At CCWC Annual Meeting, Cape Cod Book Editor Melanie Lauwers Wows Audience
The Cape Cod Writers’ Center’s Annual Meeting took place Wednesday evening, October 24th at the Cape Codder on Route 132. The evening began with cocktails, and a buffet dinner followed by a brief business meeting and introduction of the new slate of board members . These included Eva Schegula, Steve Marini, Ray Anderson, Jenny Wiley, Kate Conway and Dwight Ritter, all of whom were unanimously approved by the membership.
With Halloween just a week away, many of our members, as CCWC tradition demands, arrived in costume.
The highlight of the program was our speaker, Melanie Lauwers, the Book Editor of the Cape Cod Times, whose presentation included a story about changes in the publishing industry, the growing presence of authors on Cape Cod and the need for more prominence as an artistic sanctuary.
With our appreciation to Melanie for a fascinating talk and her inspired suggestions for those who write and want to promote their books.