The Reluctant Medium—Reclaiming the Power of Women’s Intuition

The Reluctant Medium—Reclaiming the Power of Women’s Intuition

By: Lorri Ann Devlin

Publication Date: 7-17-17

Lorri Ann Devlin, RN, BSN, MS, a business CEO and medical professional, questioned the existence of metaphysical experiences.

In The Reluctant Medium, Devlin chronicles the growth of her own intuitive abilities and her gradual realization that the scientific and the spiritual realms are not at odds. She found a way to bridge the two worlds (which in fact are one world). Devlin explores empathic intuition, premonitions, psychic dreams, synchronicity, altered states, and other important aspects of humanity’s undervalued aptitude. Everyone has the ability to tap into their own intuition, and The Reluctant Medium is a toolbox filled with common-sense ways for accessing your own.

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