To Know Sweet You Must Taste Sour
To Know Sweet You Must Taste Sour
By: Diane Finney
‘To Know Sweet You Must Taste Sour’ is a cancer survivor’s self-help guide that offers advice and hope from a triple negative and estrogen positive two time breast cancer survivor.
From the moment Diane Finney learned she “had breast cancer”, her naturally positive attitude kicked in which has helped her to overcome two different types of breast cancer and multiple surgeries over the span of ten years.
The expression, ‘when life serves you lemons… make lemonade’ is an attitude that Diane Finney has adopted wholeheartedly. Cancer can be a kick in the pants that now is the time to follow your heart’s desire and move projects from the back burner to the front.
Imagine cancer as a meal served to you, whether you like it or not, that now makes you appreciate all the good meals past and yet to be enjoyed in the future. Without the contrast of Sweet to Sour you might have blandly existed on this earth. With a cancer diagnosis, you have an opportunity to make changes regarding your health and hopefully make plans for the future. You don’t have time to waste.
It is her desire to share advice and tips that might help anyone facing adversity that has prompted Diane to write and describe her cancer journey.
When you encounter a hardship such as cancer, it makes you appreciate life all the more. It is the contrast of sweet (life) to sour (cancer) and how to deal with it in a positive way that Diane describes in her cancer memoir ‘To Know Sweet You Must Taste Sour.’ In this book you will find helpful advice and anecdotes of the author’s cancer experience that may amuse but also be informative.
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