To Tell The Truth
To Tell The Truth
By: Robert Reece
Based on the author’s forty years of clinical and trial experiences in abusive head trauma (shaken baby syndrome) cases, “To Tell The Truth” describes a fictional case of a young babysitter charged with second degree murder of Luke Talbot, a seven-month-old infant in her care. The story takes the reader from the infant’s sudden collapse, through the harrowing hospital course and the arrest and trial of the babysitter. The courtroom drama-the central story of the novel- highlights medical expert testimony that is irresponsible, far from expert, and at times, simply dishonest. Judicial decisions are surprising and border on the bizarre. A veteran child abuse pediatrician who has watched this trial from start to finish offers his prescription for changing the process of qualifying experts in medical trials.
Dr. Robert Block, Past President of the AAP, said the book is a “compelling story…bring(ing) the reader face-to-face with a startling reality: sometimes criminal cases are influenced by more than “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
Judge Charles Gill of the Superior Court of Connecticut says the book is “moving fiction based on nonfiction. Besides being entertaining and enlightening, (it) is a tool for all Americans…supports the reality of abusive head trauma.”
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