Writers Night Out April 21, 2021 on Zoom for National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month 

And Poetry Is the Ultimate Wordsmith 

That’s Why You’re Invited to Attend the CCWC’s

April 21   2021 Writers Night Out 

7:00 p.m. on Zoom

Members Only 

Verbs as Tonal Pivot Points: Verbs give our writing action, and diction for this part of speech can drive the tone to create tension and impart voice to our speakers. Moreover, verbs act as connective tissue between nouns, establishing relationships that further fuel tone. In this discussion, we will examine the basic functions of verbs and then review how they can work in creative writing specifically for tone. We will apply this shared understanding to a couple of example poems and to our own writing via an exercise.

 Quintin Collins

Quintin Collins (he/him) is a writer, editor, and Solstice MFA Program assistant director. His work appears in many print and online publications. Among them are his poetry collections,The Dandelion Speaks of Survival and Claim Tickets for Stolen People, winner of The Journal’s 2020 Charles B. Wheeler Prize, is forthcoming from The Ohio State University Press/Mad Creek Books in 2022. 


To reserve your place, “members only”  please email writers@capecodwriterscenter.org

with “Zoom April 21,  2021” in the subject heading.