Writers Night Out March 20, 2024 Writing in the First Person

Writing in the “I” voice has advantages — and challenges.


Want to learn more?


If so, you’re invited to the

Cape Cod Writers Center’s Writers Night Out

on Zoom, March 20 at 7:00 PM


The First-Person Voice: Getting Past “I”

Writing in first person is an exciting opportunity to explore one character’s deepest secrets and drives. But how do you create an interesting world, and other believable characters, if we’re trapped inside one head? We’ll explore successful authors’ use of first-person voice and identify specific techniques you can use in your own fiction. Participants will also be given an analytical checklist for identifying first-person POV styles they can apply to their own work.

Amy Bernstein

Amy L. Bernstein writes stories that let readers feel while making them think. Her novels include The Potrero Complex, finalist for the 2020 Petrichor Prize; the award-winning The Nighthawkers; Dreams of Song Times; and Fran, The Second Time Around. She is an award-winning journalist, speechwriter, playwright, and certified nonfiction book coach. Amy also teaches writing workshops and is a frequent guest on podcasts to discuss writing, publishing, and creativity. Her nonfiction book, Wrangling the Doubt Monster: Fighting Fears, Finding Inspiration will be published in October 2024. https://amywrites.live/

If you plan to attend, please

email writers@capecodwriterscenter.org

with Writers Night Out  March 20 in the subject line.